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Genesis Collection
Be a Higher Court Order
Higher Court Order Leads!
" This is the first 20 1/1 NFTs by HederaPixies."
Our Genesis collection was minted as heads only. After a few weeks of distribution, they turned into an upgraded full-body fairy as shown here as part of its utility.
" This NFT will give you an important role in the server and in the project which is called the "Higher Court Order" that helps with the important decision making inside about the project"
"Access in almost all of the permission and channels in the magic realm (Discord Server)."
Access and Roles
" An Automatic Whitelist is bestowed upon the holder of this NFT."
"You can use this to enter the Magic Shop."
Whitelist and Magic Shop
" Grants you 10% Discount on every collection drop"
"20% Sale share on Genesis collection"
"10% Sale share on every collection drop"
"10% Discount on every item in the Magic shop"
"Gets Sale share on future merchandise sales."
Discounts and Sale shares
"Every holder of this NFT will get and have an access to Free minting on every collection and get 1 piece each for FREE."
"Gets a FREE item on the magic shop."
"Automatically included for every airdrops on special occasions and events inside the community."
"A 500 HBAR drop on every collection sell out"
Free mints and Airdrops
"This NFT has an exclusive merchandise that you can receive during the Utility Month."
"ART UPGRADE just like shown above."
"This gives the owner a privilege like request trait granted on every collection drop ."
"PFP customization during Utility Month"
Art Utilization
Little Reminders
" Genesis collection is available on Zuse as its secondary market"
"All Utilities are not final and will be upgraded in the future."
"This NFT has 10% Royalties. please do buy from the secondary market than a secure trade to support the artist."
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